12-12-12: Time for Action

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I am hearing from many about the feelings of chaos, fear, unexpected pains or aches, shifts in businesses and personal lives and heightened senses.  With the intensity of the solar flares and the abundant fullness of the moon along with the lunar eclipse we also have 12-12-12  coming next week.  The energy within us as well as the energy of the Earth and the Universe at large seems to be fluctuating – so intense at times it seems to affect our lives in many ways.

Fortunately, there are actions we can take to determine how to direct the flow of this energy. Coming into alignment with our Higher Self may be one of the actions which brings peace to the physical, mental and spiritual changes we are adjusting to in a period of time known as The Shift.  The practices of centering, grounding and protecting may be old clichés however, they are actions which help us to focus on what is happening, understanding our bodys signals and finding out how to bring relief.

Through all these feelings and chaotic experiences there are lessons for us which means growth. This is also a wonderful time for practicing and manifesting your desires. With the heightened energy and, as we relieve the symptoms mentioned above, there will be great inner joy which sets the stage for realizing our deepest desires.

I want to help you! That is why I offer the classes and services I offer. You are welcome to call me and talk to me. You will begin to feel better with actions and tips you can learn quickly and easily.

Shine On! ●▬LIKE ♥ SHARE ♥ TAG ▬● With Love! Angel Marie

Listening: Angels are Talking

With some down time and the recent holiday with family I gained fresh insight about the benefits of listening.  As I focused less on business and more on health and family I found I had even more opportunity for listening. The listening I am speaking of is the listening which takes place when we commune with Spirit/Divinity/God.  Spiritual listening is about taking the time to calm, focus and listen to our Higher Self. This type of listening has also been a topic many have recently talked about during classes and coaching sessions. In our present state of experiencing higher frequencies as we move into a higher dimension many are “hearing” the call to listen. Some individuals hear their name called and find no one in the physical is calling them. Others hear sounds such as tapping or knocking and find no one (in the physical) is there. Considering these statements and discussing the situations most individuals experience enlightenment when they recognize it is very likely their Higher Self is trying to speak. In these discussions I defined a few key tips about listening to our Divinity/God.

Focusing on the NOW and living in the moment for as little as 15 minutes while coming from that place of self acceptance and love will set the stage for quiet time. Affirmations such as, “I am peace; I am safe,” may help you feel safe when opening your heart to hear what your Higher Self/Spirit has to say. Take time to really feel this as you begin to relax.

If you experience what we often call monkey mind – that endless chatter within – relax as you look at these thoughts and then release them. Recently, while meditating and listening I came up with a great idea for a post on facebook – that is an example of monkey mind. I let the thought come and go and then I went back to breathing and my affirmation. I turned my focus to how I felt and the energy surrounding me.

Three tips on listening:

  • Be open to listening; Allow Self to hear the loving guidance and messages from Spirit/God/Goddess
  • Create a space where you feel safe, protected and peaceful. Use an affirmation you like which makes you feel safe.
  • Relax and allow the monkey mind thoughts to come and go – look at them and release them. Turn your focus to what you are feeling – the energy; the emotions

Just as we build a habit to “speak from the heart” we have the ability to build a habit to “listen with the heart”. Taking small intervals of time and meditating we have the opportunity to tune in and listen. Ask Spirit/Divinity/God to speak to you; you are ready to listen. In this state we are opening ourselves to be guided, directed and loved.
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Manifesting: Joyously Creating

This week I held my first class on Manifesting Your Desires and it was very successful.  I wanted to share some of the highlights with you.

Manifesting is all about the Law of Attraction.  What you think and feel is your reality.  You create every moment of your existence and you – and only you – have the ability to change what you are creating.

Stay in your own energy and set boundaries to help you control what is unfolding around you.  Understand that everyone around you is manifesting their own realities.

Let go of the negative and fearful thoughts and emotions in your life.  You choose your emotions.  Ask yourself, “Is this a negative thought or an intuition?” Act on it or release it – with love.  Bring emotions such as love, joy and bliss into your reality.  Build a habit of living in joy and looking for the positive.  Practice the art of allowing.  Allow life to unfold around you as you allow others to create their own reality.

Focus on, “What do I really want?” When you are ready to manifest the physical or material things you desire, give it to the Universe in great joy!  The Universe will immediately begin to make it happen.  Understand you may have to take action to bring your manifestation into reality.  For instance, if you desire a better job or new career, it may be wise to begin networking, job searches or a return to education.

Keep a Gratitude Journal and write down the things that you appreciated during the day.  You know, I discovered writing is too much like work so it does not happen regularly however, speaking aloud is very powerful.  As I fall asleep I give appreciation out loud.  When I awake I am full of appreciation and joy.  It is a new day with more joy and more to appreciate.

Live in the present – BE in the NOW.  Take meditation breaks, nature walks or other activities that keep you focused on the present.  Appreciate your life in the now.

Expect your manifestations to come into your reality.  Daydream about what your desires and add details.  Expect it as though it is already there and feel the joyous emotions of what you have created.

Like a child, be excited and have fun with it.  I would love to have your come to the next Manifesting Your Desires class.

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A New Way of Networking: Energy Weaving

AZ Social Networking was originally launched as Christina Wagners 905 Meetup. When I owned my Wellness Center this was the first Meetup I attended where the objective was to meet and network with other small business owners.  When I met Christina she told me she started this Meetup because she had a fear of public speaking and felt this type of gathering would give her the opportunity to practice speaking in front of groups.  The Meetup was held in a restaurant where the noise was a distraction.  I asked Christina if perhaps she would like to hold future meetings at my Center and she agreed.  After several months Christina moved her Meetup to the Aloft Hotel.

In January, 2010, after moving my Center I started attending these Meetups again.  Due to a career change Christina graciously turned this Meetup group over to me in April of 2012.  Since then this Meetup has taken on a whole new spin.  The previous focus of networking evolved into “netweaving”!

We weave the tapestry of our lives through our experiences.  Weaving our tapestry we include all the wondrous people, places, observations, actions and realizations which make up our beautiful, individual tapestry. As we meet others we often weave them into our tapestry and their beauty becomes a part of our beauty.  And so it is with AZ Social Networking.  Through the experience of meeting with other business people we have the opportunity to tell others what we love to do.  This creates a synergy as well as a fellowship which connects and motivates everyone. It is no longer networking!

Come join us at AZ Social Networking (Netweaving) every third Thursday at 9 AM!

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Bursts of Energy: Self Reflection

As an Empath I continue to feel the impact of the shifting and fluctuating energies created by planetary alignments, continued Solar flares, the recent meteor shower and even last weeks Blue Moon.  I especially feel stronger emotions which seem to wash over me more frequently.  With the ever changing energies and heightened emotions I am more Self aware.  As I “look in the mirror” I see Self truth in my relationships.  There is change and intensity with relationships as some grow stronger while others run their course and different paths are taken.  The dynamics of some relationships evolve, taking on new meaning while new relationships come into creation.

It seems as though I am looking at relationships with sharper vision.  I see and feel the affect my words and behaviors have on others.  As this vision takes place I am empowered to change and adjust, bringing additional balance and harmony to Self as well as all my relationships.  I renew myself with honor knowing I must honor Self before I can honor anything or anyone else.  I consider the term “quiet strength” and how there is sometimes more value when nothing is said.  By occasionally becoming the observer I allow and support lifes natural unfolding.  With that said, communication becomes vital as a common ground for understanding different viewpoints and building mutual, trusting relationships.

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Patience: Allowing Life to Unfold

We have all experienced times where our patience runs thin. We tense up and may even become aggressive in words or actions. The best example of this is the lack of patience we see while driving. Drivers may seem to become entirely different people when they are rushing to complete errands or make appointments on time. Sometimes these situations are comical however, they show a lack of focus on remaining calm and practicing patience.

I am occasionally an impatient person myself! When this happens I feel the energy building and surging without an outlet. The tone of my voice changes and I begin to lose focus on allowing life to unfold. My inner self tells me to seek calm while my mind is racing ahead. I work with myself to bring back the calm. I stop and think some key thoughts and take actions which give me the ability to become patient. Allowing, whether with myself or others brings on a calm where practicing patience becomes effortless. The following are a few tips on how to stand in your power yet practice patience.

  • Take inventory of your energy. Where does yours end and others begin? Grounding and centering yourself might make an immediate difference.
  • Ask yourself, “How can I help” or “Do I need to step in and help?” Helping others to improve a situation, without judging, may bring everyone back into focus and the practice of patience.
  • How are you feeling? If you are feeling stressed and know you are losing your patience you may find that stopping to take some deep breaths will  bring about focus, generate positive thoughts and allow calm to come in. The “Toilet Exercises” are always helpful!

So, breathe and allow! You will be amazed as life unfolds around you as you practice mindfulness and joy!

“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Power! Confidence! Balance! Setting Boundaries

In my practice I have found that people do not understand boundaries and many do not have boundaries. Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that people create to identify, for themselves, what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around them. Boundaries include how an individual will respond when someone steps outside those limits. They are built out of a mix of beliefs, opinions, attitudes, past experiences and social learning.

Personal boundaries define you as an individual, outlining your likes and dislikes, and setting the distances you allow others to approach. They include physical, mental, psychological and spiritual boundaries, involving beliefs, emotions and intuitions.

When setting my boundaries it is a way of loving and caring for myself. I found that the boundaries I set in my life play a key role in successful, healthy relationships with others. My boundaries also help me manage my daily life. For instance, when someone I know calls me, they might hear me say I have so many minutes to talk and we may or may not need to talk later. When we discuss it we might go ahead and set up a good time for a call back.  When people visit my home I am very open about my boundaries. I let others know where to find extra water, snacks, the bathroom location and more depending on the situation.

The following are a few good tips on setting boundaries.

  • Know your likes and dislikes; know yourself
  • Identify boundaries you wish to set
  • Tell others
  • Stick to the boundaries you set.

Other people want to know your boundaries. It helps them feel comfortable around you and it urges them to honor your boundaries. When people know and communicate their boundaries everyone benefits. Interested in learning more about boundaries?

Share with Love!       Shine On!

Daily Pratices for More Joy

These are three good practices I use daily. Making these a part of my life has brought more excitement and joy into my life experiences.

  1. Letting go of control: Realizing that we are not in control over the events that take place in our life helps us let go of the attachments to the outcome.  By changing your thought patterns you may reduce stress and worry about how all the details are going to play out. When you realize you are pushing, pushing, pushing – Stop, relax, breathe and let go.
  2. Accept that you are amazing! From the moment you awaken, smiling and bringing up your energy, release the limiting beliefs of your past self. Create a fabulous new you every morning.  Always remember and give yourself permission to be amazing.
  3. Human – yes, you are! Mistakes are going to happen. People feelings are going to get hurt and you will sometimes feel hurt also. Give yourself a break! Be forgiving, compassionate and loving to yourself.

If these resonate with you, write key words on a piece of paper and tape it to your mirror. First thing each morning, review your key words and practice them until they become a part of who you are because you are amazing!

Shine On! ~Share with Love~

Confusion to Clarity…Retrograde [video]

Have you been feeling like you are  “coming and going” at the same time! I have some what.. Decision making seems to take longer. Could it be because Mercury and Uranus are retrograde at the same time? It may not be a time to begin a new venture according to one while the other promotes creativity and expressing yourself. The energy might feel confusing.

Have you heard about this retrograde thing?  Retrograde happens when a planet appears to be moving in a direction opposite to the direction it actually moves when using the Earth as a point of reference.  Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary; they just seem that way because we are observing their rotation from the Earth.  There are three phases of retrograde:

  • Pre retrograde shadow: The period just before retrograde begins; the planet is going in its usual “Direct” pattern
  • Retrograde: The period where the planet appears to be in a backward motion
  • Post retrograde shadow: The period where the planet has turned again and is going in its usual “Direct” pattern.

I am taking lots of time to breathe.  I am also grounding myself before I make decisions. I focus on going with the flow of life knowing all is as it should be. I also understand that the New Moon is a time to recharge, refocus and create new beginnings. I just love this gathering at my home!

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Creating is Your Inner Child~Laugh Out Loud (video)

One of the concerns I often hear from clients is their feeling of emptiness or feeling they are alone. I understand that feeling and have felt it myself. I feel our Higher Self/God and our “Inner Child” are always there with us.

When I discussed this with a client last week I had a renewed realization that my creativity comes from within, from my Inner Child. Using my tools and techniques I create classes, mindful of what I teach and live. I know my spoken word is a powerful and inspiring. I take time with my Inner Child to help center myself with my creativity. What I create is me! I create my next action and consider how it will benefit me and everyone around me.

One of my routines is going within and communing with Spirit and my Inner Child. It confirms I am not alone and they are there to help along with my Angels and guides. In the Shining Wheel, adolescence is symbolized in the South position. Taking quiet time and being in this position helps me focus on my love for my Inner Child. I am accepting of my life, my path and myself because I see through eyes filled with excitement and the possibility of fun. I laugh often and look for ways to have fun.

I love being with children. Taking part in their world is returning to my childhood and seeing everything through a child’s eyes. The simple act of being amazed at a lizard or the color of the sky is allowing my Inner Child to come forth. I believe many adults love bringing out their Inner Child simply because, as children they were not always able to express or be the child.

Your Inner Child is full of fun and excitement and ready to play! I can help you find your Inner Child. When is the last time you ran around the park flying a kite? How long has it been since you walked outside just to look at the flowers, hug a tree or find amazing shapes in the clouds? Connect with and love your Inner Child! You will be surprised at the fun just waiting for you to give the okay! So, watch my video and laugh out loud!

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