Manifesting: Joyously Creating

This week I held my first class on Manifesting Your Desires and it was very successful.  I wanted to share some of the highlights with you.

Manifesting is all about the Law of Attraction.  What you think and feel is your reality.  You create every moment of your existence and you – and only you – have the ability to change what you are creating.

Stay in your own energy and set boundaries to help you control what is unfolding around you.  Understand that everyone around you is manifesting their own realities.

Let go of the negative and fearful thoughts and emotions in your life.  You choose your emotions.  Ask yourself, “Is this a negative thought or an intuition?” Act on it or release it – with love.  Bring emotions such as love, joy and bliss into your reality.  Build a habit of living in joy and looking for the positive.  Practice the art of allowing.  Allow life to unfold around you as you allow others to create their own reality.

Focus on, “What do I really want?” When you are ready to manifest the physical or material things you desire, give it to the Universe in great joy!  The Universe will immediately begin to make it happen.  Understand you may have to take action to bring your manifestation into reality.  For instance, if you desire a better job or new career, it may be wise to begin networking, job searches or a return to education.

Keep a Gratitude Journal and write down the things that you appreciated during the day.  You know, I discovered writing is too much like work so it does not happen regularly however, speaking aloud is very powerful.  As I fall asleep I give appreciation out loud.  When I awake I am full of appreciation and joy.  It is a new day with more joy and more to appreciate.

Live in the present – BE in the NOW.  Take meditation breaks, nature walks or other activities that keep you focused on the present.  Appreciate your life in the now.

Expect your manifestations to come into your reality.  Daydream about what your desires and add details.  Expect it as though it is already there and feel the joyous emotions of what you have created.

Like a child, be excited and have fun with it.  I would love to have your come to the next Manifesting Your Desires class.

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Cicadas Song Becomes Confirmation

I went to Prescott this last week for some “me” time.  I wanted to get away from all the electronics and spend time in nature.  Even with this in mind I took along my computer.  Although Wi-Fi was available I could not get on the internet.  I laughed a little knowing I was there to get away from what I actually brought along!  With the internet excluded I found other little things to do.
As I made my way through this time I began to realize I did not have to push so hard in my day to day life and taking some quiet time was beneficial.  I slowed my pace, felt more in balance and connected to nature.  I spoke to the Cicadas that at times were quite loud.  I spoke to them about “being” as they are; to exist in the moment, to grow and be in nature.  I felt the Cicadas song was just for me – a song of confirmation that quiet time is healing.  Watch the video and listen to their beautiful song!
When I returned to the city and came back on line I realized I did not miss anything.  I discovered I had greater clarity and focus.  Many of my manifested desires seemed to pop all around me.

My experience is similar to what just happened to a friend of mine.  She accidentally locked herself out of her house and onto the patio.  When she told me about it she said the experience forced her into a quiet time.  She relaxed, meditated and spent time loving her plants and surrounding trees.

Spending quiet time has so many benefits!  Whether you meditate, spend time in nature, manifest or BE in the moment, the quiet brings balance, peace, inner joy, introspection and the answer to our desires.

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Tips on Receiving a Reading & Video

Over the years I have had many psychic readings and, coming from a Catholic background, I questioned and analyzed everything to prove to myself the credibility of what I was experiencing. Understanding we are energy beings and our past, present and future is contained in the energy all around us, I use these readings as confirmation. For over six years I worked with many Mediums at my Wellness Center. One of the first Mediums offered to do a reading with me. I was fascinated at the accuracy of her information and how it impacted my life. For example, she told me about a piece of jewelry and described it in detail. My Grandma had given me a piece of jewelry that was exactly like that. It confirmed for me that she was really talking to my Grandma. It comforted me and helped me to heal from the grief I was feeling.

I have talked to several people who have received readings from Mediums and their experiences often catch them off guard. Several people experiencing grief for a loved one were comforted after these sessions. I began to realize there were benefits for everyone who set aside time for a session with a Medium. Many spoke of feeling a confirmation that life continues after we leave our human form. Others talked about being okay with the feelings of sadness and grief. The biggest benefit seemed to be a new desire – to heal from the pain of loss.
So, if you would like to experience a Medium reading, check out this Saturday!

Share with Love!

Spending Time with True Soul Mates

This past weekend I had the honor and pleasure of spending time with true soul mates. They have been together for 20 years and seem to be closer and more loving each time I see them. I’ve known this couple for 15 years. Being in their company I was delighted to watch them and feel their love charged energy. Their love is unconditional and their genuine caring for each other is visible to all who know them.

I asked, “How did you make this happen”? They told me how they fit together, complimenting each other’s personalities. Each felt they were a better person due to their life partnership. Absolute trust and accepting the other completely make their lives together tranquil. They affectionately allow the others habits and customs. They communicate openly with honesty and truth. They work out problems agreeably as a team and they understand each other. One said, “It takes personal strength of heart and character to create a lasting commitment”.

I’m so blessed to know and love these two beautiful people. When I’m around them I feel accepted, secure and loved. I know their love for me is unconditional and I am doubly blessed. It’s been seven years since I have allowed myself to be open to a relationship. Their extraordinary union gives me great hope that I too, will one day find my soul mate!

I am so thankful to the two of you for allowing me to share in your lives!

I LOVE Birthday Energy!

Being an Empath my senses are all heightened during the time of my birthday.  I feel the energy increasing as my birthday approaches and I am filled with excitement!

Your birthday is an unequaled period in time each year when powerful spiritual energy surrounds you.  It is a great time to clear and release the past as well as focusing on your desires for the next twelve months.

Each astrological sign covers a period of four weeks. The four weeks around your birthday are full of positive energy and it floods your entire being. This energy surge may boost creativity, healing energies and spiritual wisdom.

Setting aside special time for birthday meditation, I offer thanks to my Higher Self/God for a wonderful year. I manifest my desires for the next twelve months. On the day and time of my birth I do a very special meditation filled with love and appreciation.

One of my favorite traditions, which my Mama started years ago, is singing Happy Birthday. Many people know this about me. I look forward to the phone calls every year where I hear the Happy Birthday song! Another tradition is going out to eat breakfast. This year I will be having breakfast at Luci’s Healthy Marketplace on Thursday, May 24th. Want to join me at 9 AM?

Creating and Accepting Mom’s Love

When I was a little girl Mama was full of joy and very energetic. I remember feeling as though life was a dream. As I began to mature I still saw Mama with that same joy. As I began to create my own life my actions and behaviors weren’t always accepted by Mom, but there was always Mama’s love.

We all look for our Mother’s acceptance. The love is always a constant, but sometimes the approval isn’t there. In my relationship with Mom I knew I was loved. But our relationship at times grew strained. I used to think, “If you’re not able to approve of my life we probably won’t be close.”

Then, through self acceptance and creating boundaries, I was able to open up to my Mama. By communicating with love we began to look at our relationship as two adults instead of Mother and child, and now we respect and honor each other. Our love has grown and deepened over the years.

Our depth of love was born from acceptance and communicating in a loving way. My Mama is so amazing! During this process she changed too! Mama became completely accepting of who I am! Happy Mother’s Day Mama – I love you!

We are all Mothers to all children around the world!
Happy Mother’s Day to ALL!

How I Experienced Courage

While at the grocery store I received a phone call from my Step-mom telling me my Dad was in the hospital, and it was about his heart. As energy pulsed through me my first reaction was the need to rush to the hospital. Then a feeling of great calm came over me, I felt a knowing that my Dad was going to be okay. I remember thinking, “The Universe has him.” I still felt driven to be there for my family; nothing was more important and I cleared my schedule. Healing energy was already flowing.

In the calm I felt as though I were floating in this experience. As I floated I sensed the reality of possibly losing my Dad. I told myself, “I have the courage; I will do this. I will continue to step forward, releasing my burden and focusing on healing energy.”

What was most challenging was seeing Dad. His short-term memory was affected and he was in so much pain. After surgery, as the anesthetic wore off, he kept asking, “Where am I?” and “What’s going on?” I’ve always seen my Dad as the head of the family. He was always a strong and fearless leader. Now I was seeing him as a human, a fragile being. I had to ask myself, “Do I have the courage to go on without him when that time comes?”

The outpouring of love, sympathy and healing from friends was amazing and deeply appreciated. All the love and healing coming our way was something I could feel. I know it helped us through this experience. I know it helped my Dad. I was overwhelmed with the validation that I am never alone!

We are never, ever alone. Our God/Universe is always there for us. Our friends and family are not only our support, they are the bridges connecting us all.

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Connecting to Your Spirit Guides

Shine On!Each of us has Spirit Guides, and your Guide may be a person or an animal. As the situations in your life change, you may attract new guides to help you. Your Spirit Guides can help you with every aspect of your life, all you have to do is ASK! If you can think of a question, your Spirit Guides will give you an answer. Here are some tips for connecting with your Spirit Guides:

  • Find a quiet, comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. Stretch, relax, and breathe to relax and release any accumulated tension or stress.  Do this for at least three minutes, or as much as necessary to achieve a state of relaxation.
  • Set your spiritual intent to contact your spirit guide, and open up your awareness to their presence. You may see them, feel their presence, hear them communicating, or somehow just know they are there. Say “hello” and allow yourself to receive a “hello” back.
  • Relax, breathe and just be in their presence. Without speaking, ask your spirit guide if they have a message for you. If you have a question, remember to be very clear and focused on whatever situation you want help with. Be still and allow yourself to receive their spiritual communication. Just be…and listen.
  • When you end your connection, always give thanks to your Spirit Guide with a sense of gratitude for their help.

Have faith in knowing that if you ask for guidance,  or for a sign, it will always be given. But you must be open to receiving the message in any form. Remember that your Spirit Guides are always around you ready to help, but they cannot and will not interfere with your life. You must first invite them in, ask for their guidance and they will be happy to help you in any way they can.

Connecting with your Spirit Guides begins a wonderful relationship that will last your entire life. So if you haven’t yet met, now might be an excellent time to introduce yourself! Sunday, April 15, 2012 connecting to your Animal Spirit Guide:

Celebrate! Celebrate with joy! & Bonus Video

Shine On!
Celebrate! Celebrate with joy!  How do you celebrate?

Celebration! People all over the world take the opportunity to celebrate everything and anything. Celebrations can last just a few moments to days or weeks. The celebration of a small accomplishment can be in the form of a “high five”. The Chinese New Year celebration is more than two weeks. There are celebrations that range from the traditional to the unusual. Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving are examples of traditional celebrations.  April Fool’s Day and Halloween are unusual yet popular. The variety of religious or spiritual celebrations abounds world-wide and is present in most cultures. Celebrating, whether it’s for fun or to give honor, is loved by all.

No matter how your spirituality is structured you may have traditional ways to celebrate your belief. The question this week is: How do you celebrate your beliefs?

Viewpoint 1: I celebrate my beliefs by living them. Even though my beliefs are quite different from my friends and family we celebrate our beliefs by coming together while respecting each other. This creates agreeable conditions where we can all celebrate with joy and love on any given holiday.

Viewpoint 2: I spend time with family and friends. Also, I like to take time with Mother Nature. For me, being in nature is really important when celebrating who I am and what I believe.

I celebrate by taking some time to meditate and celebrate my spirituality. I also go to see my family where a big part of the celebration is the dinner. When children are involved I like to do some type of activity with them which involves celebrating our beliefs.

However you celebrate your beliefs, celebrate knowing you are loved. If you don’t feel loved, know that I love you!

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How do YOU use crystals? & Bonus Video

Shine On!

Imagine Mother Earth giving her gifts just for you! Crystals are amazing!

The laws of physics tell us that all matter is energy in physical form. Matter is anything that takes up space as a solid, gas or liquid. Gemstones and crystals are examples of solid matter. Formed over eons by way of high pressure and heat, the Earth’s gemstones embody concentrations of energy. Crystals are formed from vapor or liquid that has been compressed or exposed to temperature changes. Presently, we use the energetic and physical properties of gemstones and crystals in many areas of technology. For example, they are used in lasers to perform delicate surgeries and in computers to move information almost instantly around the world. Gemstones and crystals are also used to focus and amplify the natural energies of the body to improve or boost wellness.

The use of gemstones for healing and other spiritual practices has its roots in ancient cultures. These practices have thrived over the centuries and are still used in our modern day world. There are numerous books, websites and other media about the use of gemstones and crystals for spiritual practices.

So, what value do you put on the energy of gemstones – and crystals? If you use them, what do you use them for? The following insights are from two different people followed by my own thoughts on this topic.

Viewpoint 1: I definitely believe gemstones and crystals have a place in my life. I have felt the grounding affects of Snowflake Obsidian, Hematite and Jet. Lately, with all the energy shifts I have had to practice grounding more often.

Viewpoint 2: I use crystals for many things. I have also discovered I can pick up a regular stone from outside and it becomes what I desire at that time. I put my intention into the stone. For instance, it might become a healing stone or a stone for reducing my stress. I have stones I put around a water fountain and my intention with these stones if for abundance!

Angel: I use gemstones and crystals as I do any other tool – when it’s appropriate, when it feels good. I use them for healing, grounding the house and amplifying energy. I also use gemstone wands for energetic healing sessions. Amethyst helps for dream recall, protection and much more. My favorite gemstone is Black Tourmaline. For me, it is so calming and protective – I feel like I am in a bubble of love.

If you would like to learn more about gemstones and crystals join us at the Basic Crystal class on Friday, April 13th!

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