12-12-12: Time for Action

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I am hearing from many about the feelings of chaos, fear, unexpected pains or aches, shifts in businesses and personal lives and heightened senses.  With the intensity of the solar flares and the abundant fullness of the moon along with the lunar eclipse we also have 12-12-12  coming next week.  The energy within us as well as the energy of the Earth and the Universe at large seems to be fluctuating – so intense at times it seems to affect our lives in many ways.

Fortunately, there are actions we can take to determine how to direct the flow of this energy. Coming into alignment with our Higher Self may be one of the actions which brings peace to the physical, mental and spiritual changes we are adjusting to in a period of time known as The Shift.  The practices of centering, grounding and protecting may be old clichés however, they are actions which help us to focus on what is happening, understanding our bodys signals and finding out how to bring relief.

Through all these feelings and chaotic experiences there are lessons for us which means growth. This is also a wonderful time for practicing and manifesting your desires. With the heightened energy and, as we relieve the symptoms mentioned above, there will be great inner joy which sets the stage for realizing our deepest desires.

I want to help you! That is why I offer the classes and services I offer. You are welcome to call me and talk to me. You will begin to feel better with actions and tips you can learn quickly and easily.

Shine On! ●▬LIKE ♥ SHARE ♥ TAG ▬● With Love! Angel Marie

Who Am I and Why Am I Here?

What leads people to their spiritual path?  I often think of the synchronicity which took place in my life that completely changed my course.  My Sister-in-law talked to me about Reiki.  At the time I thought it was all “voo-doo” stuff and I had no interest in it.  Then I began to see a massage therapist and even though I loved the benefits of massage I began to get sensitive when she touched me.  Fibromyalgia was one of my physical challenges and just the mere touch from others was irritating and uncomfortable.  When I explained this to her, my massage therapist suggested I allow her to do Reiki with me.  Although I felt cautious because of my Catholic background I allowed her to do a session.  I was amazed that I could feel waves of energy and then I knew there had to be something to this Reiki stuff.

I went on to become a Reiki Master.  I recognized myself as an Empath and because I could feel so strongly I was able to help others.  I practiced Reiki at a local Farmer’s Market where someone asked me if I ever considered doing Spiritual Counseling.  I returned to schooling and brought Spiritual Counseling into my Reiki Sessions.  I returned for more schooling to learn about energy.  As my training and skills expanded I became interested in opening a Wellness Center.  I had a great desire to help others who, like myself, were looking for that “something more” in life.  I opened my Lightworkers Gifts and Energy Healing Center.  In the ten years I have walked my path I have learned much about many modalities in the metaphysical community.  More than that, I have learned about myself – who I am and how I can help others.  It is almost as though I am paying forward the guidance and love that several others offered to me as I began this journey.

I often hear others tell how they too feel as though synchronicity played a role when they were yearning for something unknown in their life.  The stories are filled with enlightenment, self knowing, new talents, greater creativity and a desire to help others as they were helped.  These stories are also often filled with joy, laughter and deep appreciation.

So how to get started?  From what I observe and hear, people are still asking the age old question, “Who am I and why am I here?”  When we begin to search, and because we have asked the question, our Higher Self, our God/Goddess or Spirit guides us to an amazing journey.  In my opinion we are always on our path.  When we resonate with others who are asking the same question, when we allow enlightenment and begin to have fun with this eye opening experience, our path appears before us!  Would you like to be crystal clear on what your path is?  October’s Special – an hour and a half Coaching Session for $75.00 (Wow! That is $25.00 off!).

Shine On! ●▬LIKE ♥ SHARE ♥ TAG ▬● With Love!

Non Action IS Action

Last week my Inspirational & Insightful newsletter was sent out with the subject in the subject line reading “Enter subject here”.  As soon as I saw that I just laughed at my self. I thought what should I do to fix it? Should I do anything?

One of Taoism’s most important concepts is Wu Wei.  This is often translated as “non-doing” or “non-action.” Wu Wei refers to the cultivation of a state of being in which our actions are quite effortlessly in alignment with the ebb and flow of the cycles of the natural world. Simply said, Wu Wei is “going with the flow”, with great ease and awareness.  Without even trying we are able to respond perfectly to whatever situations arise.

So, should I send another email with a correction? Should I email an apology? As I looked at all my options I considered Wu Wei and the value of non-action. By “going with the flow” I am allowing this error to exist and accepting everything is as it should be. Then I thought about the upcoming launch of my new website and how so often, there are minor corrections and adjustments as a new site goes live. If I could laugh at the subject line error in my newsletter I know I will be able to laugh at a few glitches on my new site. Wu Wei is excellent practice for the art of thriving as life unfolds around me! So go with the flow!

Shine On! ●▬LIKE ♥ SHARE ♥ TAG ▬● With Love!

Power! Confidence! Balance! Setting Boundaries

In my practice I have found that people do not understand boundaries and many do not have boundaries. Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that people create to identify, for themselves, what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around them. Boundaries include how an individual will respond when someone steps outside those limits. They are built out of a mix of beliefs, opinions, attitudes, past experiences and social learning.

Personal boundaries define you as an individual, outlining your likes and dislikes, and setting the distances you allow others to approach. They include physical, mental, psychological and spiritual boundaries, involving beliefs, emotions and intuitions.

When setting my boundaries it is a way of loving and caring for myself. I found that the boundaries I set in my life play a key role in successful, healthy relationships with others. My boundaries also help me manage my daily life. For instance, when someone I know calls me, they might hear me say I have so many minutes to talk and we may or may not need to talk later. When we discuss it we might go ahead and set up a good time for a call back.  When people visit my home I am very open about my boundaries. I let others know where to find extra water, snacks, the bathroom location and more depending on the situation.

The following are a few good tips on setting boundaries.

  • Know your likes and dislikes; know yourself
  • Identify boundaries you wish to set
  • Tell others
  • Stick to the boundaries you set.

Other people want to know your boundaries. It helps them feel comfortable around you and it urges them to honor your boundaries. When people know and communicate their boundaries everyone benefits. Interested in learning more about boundaries?

Share with Love!       Shine On!

Daily Pratices for More Joy

These are three good practices I use daily. Making these a part of my life has brought more excitement and joy into my life experiences.

  1. Letting go of control: Realizing that we are not in control over the events that take place in our life helps us let go of the attachments to the outcome.  By changing your thought patterns you may reduce stress and worry about how all the details are going to play out. When you realize you are pushing, pushing, pushing – Stop, relax, breathe and let go.
  2. Accept that you are amazing! From the moment you awaken, smiling and bringing up your energy, release the limiting beliefs of your past self. Create a fabulous new you every morning.  Always remember and give yourself permission to be amazing.
  3. Human – yes, you are! Mistakes are going to happen. People feelings are going to get hurt and you will sometimes feel hurt also. Give yourself a break! Be forgiving, compassionate and loving to yourself.

If these resonate with you, write key words on a piece of paper and tape it to your mirror. First thing each morning, review your key words and practice them until they become a part of who you are because you are amazing!

Shine On! ~Share with Love~

Confusion to Clarity…Retrograde [video]

Have you been feeling like you are  “coming and going” at the same time! I have some what.. Decision making seems to take longer. Could it be because Mercury and Uranus are retrograde at the same time? It may not be a time to begin a new venture according to one while the other promotes creativity and expressing yourself. The energy might feel confusing.

Have you heard about this retrograde thing?  Retrograde happens when a planet appears to be moving in a direction opposite to the direction it actually moves when using the Earth as a point of reference.  Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary; they just seem that way because we are observing their rotation from the Earth.  There are three phases of retrograde:

  • Pre retrograde shadow: The period just before retrograde begins; the planet is going in its usual “Direct” pattern
  • Retrograde: The period where the planet appears to be in a backward motion
  • Post retrograde shadow: The period where the planet has turned again and is going in its usual “Direct” pattern.

I am taking lots of time to breathe.  I am also grounding myself before I make decisions. I focus on going with the flow of life knowing all is as it should be. I also understand that the New Moon is a time to recharge, refocus and create new beginnings. I just love this gathering at my home!

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Creating is Your Inner Child~Laugh Out Loud (video)

One of the concerns I often hear from clients is their feeling of emptiness or feeling they are alone. I understand that feeling and have felt it myself. I feel our Higher Self/God and our “Inner Child” are always there with us.

When I discussed this with a client last week I had a renewed realization that my creativity comes from within, from my Inner Child. Using my tools and techniques I create classes, mindful of what I teach and live. I know my spoken word is a powerful and inspiring. I take time with my Inner Child to help center myself with my creativity. What I create is me! I create my next action and consider how it will benefit me and everyone around me.

One of my routines is going within and communing with Spirit and my Inner Child. It confirms I am not alone and they are there to help along with my Angels and guides. In the Shining Wheel, adolescence is symbolized in the South position. Taking quiet time and being in this position helps me focus on my love for my Inner Child. I am accepting of my life, my path and myself because I see through eyes filled with excitement and the possibility of fun. I laugh often and look for ways to have fun.

I love being with children. Taking part in their world is returning to my childhood and seeing everything through a child’s eyes. The simple act of being amazed at a lizard or the color of the sky is allowing my Inner Child to come forth. I believe many adults love bringing out their Inner Child simply because, as children they were not always able to express or be the child.

Your Inner Child is full of fun and excitement and ready to play! I can help you find your Inner Child. When is the last time you ran around the park flying a kite? How long has it been since you walked outside just to look at the flowers, hug a tree or find amazing shapes in the clouds? Connect with and love your Inner Child! You will be surprised at the fun just waiting for you to give the okay! So, watch my video and laugh out loud!

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Spiritual Independence

This week our country celebrates Independence Day. This is one of our most loved holidays commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. When I think of independence I also think of my spiritual enlightenment.

Raised in the Catholic Church I learned their theology and practices until I became a young adult. Then I began a journey of self discovery that included a several other religions. I talked to a lot of people from different religious back grounds and read books about other religions. Being an Empath I wanted to feel the energy of some religions so I attended church services of different denominations. At one point I became a re-born Christian. I continued to feel driven to search for a belief system that felt just right for me. I attended Buddhist services, spent some time with a Spiritual Sage and hung out for a while with a Mystic. I began to form my own beliefs, feeling my way to harmony in my heart. I gained spiritual independence by researching and participating in a variety of beliefs then creating what felt good to me. Once I felt what was right for me, I released the past and all the old patterns.

It is wise for everyone to seek their own spiritual independence. When we seek the knowledge and take actions to find our truth we gain spiritual independence. It’s time to see with different eyes!

If you are at a point in your spiritual journey where you would like to release old patterns, come and join in the Releasing Old Patterns class on Saturday.

Tips on Receiving a Reading & Video

Over the years I have had many psychic readings and, coming from a Catholic background, I questioned and analyzed everything to prove to myself the credibility of what I was experiencing. Understanding we are energy beings and our past, present and future is contained in the energy all around us, I use these readings as confirmation. For over six years I worked with many Mediums at my Wellness Center. One of the first Mediums offered to do a reading with me. I was fascinated at the accuracy of her information and how it impacted my life. For example, she told me about a piece of jewelry and described it in detail. My Grandma had given me a piece of jewelry that was exactly like that. It confirmed for me that she was really talking to my Grandma. It comforted me and helped me to heal from the grief I was feeling.

I have talked to several people who have received readings from Mediums and their experiences often catch them off guard. Several people experiencing grief for a loved one were comforted after these sessions. I began to realize there were benefits for everyone who set aside time for a session with a Medium. Many spoke of feeling a confirmation that life continues after we leave our human form. Others talked about being okay with the feelings of sadness and grief. The biggest benefit seemed to be a new desire – to heal from the pain of loss.
So, if you would like to experience a Medium reading, check out this Saturday!

Share with Love!

Shifting Energy…WOW!

Are you feeling the chaotic energy? Are you feeling out of alignment, out of sorts? With three eclipses one after another, the alignment of the planets, solar flares and the poles shifting, I feel it too. It seems like I’m helping more and more people understand the wisdom in spending more time centering and creating balance in the winds of change. I’m finding that teaching peace and finding more peace within myself is one of the keys.

With all the changes this is an intense time. It is our time to grow and come into our power. Connect to who you are and build a stronger foundation based on self trust. Creating and maintaining a strong connection with our selves will build confidence as we all step into the unknown. I feel it is then that we will experience these changes and growth with love and joy.

When we open more fully to all the shifting of the energies, the frequencies, or vibrations which are moving around and through us, you will see the awesomeness of you. I am open to receiving the gifts of the Universe/God. So I encourage you to embrace the greatness within you and SHINE ON!