Listening: Angels are Talking

With some down time and the recent holiday with family I gained fresh insight about the benefits of listening.  As I focused less on business and more on health and family I found I had even more opportunity for listening. The listening I am speaking of is the listening which takes place when we commune with Spirit/Divinity/God.  Spiritual listening is about taking the time to calm, focus and listen to our Higher Self. This type of listening has also been a topic many have recently talked about during classes and coaching sessions. In our present state of experiencing higher frequencies as we move into a higher dimension many are “hearing” the call to listen. Some individuals hear their name called and find no one in the physical is calling them. Others hear sounds such as tapping or knocking and find no one (in the physical) is there. Considering these statements and discussing the situations most individuals experience enlightenment when they recognize it is very likely their Higher Self is trying to speak. In these discussions I defined a few key tips about listening to our Divinity/God.

Focusing on the NOW and living in the moment for as little as 15 minutes while coming from that place of self acceptance and love will set the stage for quiet time. Affirmations such as, “I am peace; I am safe,” may help you feel safe when opening your heart to hear what your Higher Self/Spirit has to say. Take time to really feel this as you begin to relax.

If you experience what we often call monkey mind – that endless chatter within – relax as you look at these thoughts and then release them. Recently, while meditating and listening I came up with a great idea for a post on facebook – that is an example of monkey mind. I let the thought come and go and then I went back to breathing and my affirmation. I turned my focus to how I felt and the energy surrounding me.

Three tips on listening:

  • Be open to listening; Allow Self to hear the loving guidance and messages from Spirit/God/Goddess
  • Create a space where you feel safe, protected and peaceful. Use an affirmation you like which makes you feel safe.
  • Relax and allow the monkey mind thoughts to come and go – look at them and release them. Turn your focus to what you are feeling – the energy; the emotions

Just as we build a habit to “speak from the heart” we have the ability to build a habit to “listen with the heart”. Taking small intervals of time and meditating we have the opportunity to tune in and listen. Ask Spirit/Divinity/God to speak to you; you are ready to listen. In this state we are opening ourselves to be guided, directed and loved.
Shine On! ♥ LIKE ♥ SHARE ♥ TAG ♥ With Love!

Defining Your Desires: I Am The Champion!

Almost two years! I have been waiting for my website to be finished and on line for nearly two years!  It seems like this has been such a challenge – every time I step toward progress a new challenge crops up.  I think to myself, “Is there a message here or a lesson?

Opportunities for my personal spiritual growth are abundant right now.  I have been experiencing several signs of Ascension – evolving to a higher frequency.  As stated in my recent newsletters the signs of this transformation might take place in several ways.  One indication is recognizing opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, decisions about taking new directions and discovering new desires.  I know this is a part of my own shifting.

Then, last Saturday I was part of organizing and videoing a skit on how to network.  It was then I realized the message has not changed!  Getting caught up in a busy career and home life it can be easy to forget be authentic, be yourself, to face your truth.  In the midst of dealing with my website I recognized everything is truly as it should be and I am the champion of my life.  I began to understand the progress with my website is exactly where it is because I am still defining my desires!

Many people call me in a state of conflicted emotions.  They make statements such as, “I feel an urgency to learn, to make changes and find out who I really am.  I feel the urge to learn about Reiki and what role this plays in my life.”  Others express a desire to find their inner joy.  Some tell me, “I am stressed (over a variety of life situations) and find it difficult to relax and simply have fun.”  Many express they want to learn about boundaries and how to have greater control over their desires.

This entire shift, the evolution to a higher frequency, is also gearing us into defining who we are and what role we wish to play.  Life changes involving career, family and friends are taking place more often.  Many are searching for and finding their greatness, focusing on leveraging their passions and making greater use of their gifts while seeking ways to help others.  No matter what route we take to get there we are discovering our Higher Self and making more choices with our hearts.

So, as I continue my spiritual growth I am reminded to continue living in joy and appreciation.  I practice living in the moment while allowing life to unfold before me.  I am also practicing patience – an often humorous adventure for a Gemini!
Allowing while creating; allowing while taking action – by shifting perspectives and being open to our true Self, lessons are learned and spiritual growth takes place.  As this happens there is great understanding that everything is as it should be.  Even my website!

Shine On! ●▬LIKE ♥ SHARE ♥ TAG ▬● With Love!
Lightworkers Gifts~Angel Marie

Releasing Old Patterns & Video

Shine On!You are born as a perfect being with the opportunity to be, have and experience whatever you choose.  However as you journey through life you become programmed with ideas and beliefs about yourself.  These ideas and beliefs create patterns repeated throughout your life.  By repeating patterns of false beliefs, limiting behaviors and negative feelings you actually limit your full potential. These patterns may be about your:

  • career,
  • relationships,
  • health or the
  • ability to grow spiritually.

Releasing these patterns may improve your ability to enjoy personal growth including the ability to realize the fulfillment of your manifestations, dreams and goals.

The following is an example which gives an effective method to release old patterns:

  • Name the pattern or belief – Speak aloud to give your words power. Write it on a piece of paper. Be specific. Example: “I am not worthy of love. I am not lovable.”
  • Identify where the pattern grew from. Speak aloud and write it on the paper. Using the same example, think back to the time in life where these feelings came from. “I feared my Mom did not love me. She was always critical of me.”
  • Physically release the old pattern. Write on your paper that you are releasing this old pattern. In the above example “I release my fear of being unlovable. I am a loving person and I am worthy of receiving love.”
  • Do a burn – take the paper outdoors and, in a safe place, burn it. Watch the smoke as it floats to the heavens, releasing your intention.
  • State aloud your appreciation to your God or Higher Self, your Angels, Guides and Totems. Ask them to be with you as you embrace this change.

There are many, many other ways to release old patterns. If you would like to know more about this topic  Click HereAttend “Releasing Old Patterns” class on Saturday, March 3, 2012 at 1:00 PM!

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