Accepting Myself through My Dad’s Eyes

One of my fondest memories as a child was the excitement of Dad coming home and playing basketball games such as Horse and Pig. As a family, another memory is about our camping trips. For me, the campfire songs and Smores were the highlights from these trips.

Dad works in the field of Counseling and, as you know, I am a Coach. Our relationship has grown into an adult relationship where we can talk about anything. When we have a difference of opinion we’re both okay with it. We have different beliefs and live quite different lives however; he supports me and loves me for who I am. Every week I meet my Dad for lunch and just chat for a while. I look forward to seeing him every Monday.

When Dad recently had a heart attack, I took a close look at our relationship and what I learned from him. One of the biggest things Dad taught me was accepting and balancing my Yin Yang energy. I say accepting because when I consider myself, I feel I have more masculine energy, which in our social structure always made me feel less than. Thanks, Dad, for your unconditional love and really seeing me! I love you, Dad!

We are all Fathers to all children around the world!
Happy Father’s Day to all!